Oh Where Oh Where can she be???

How much have I been sucking at this blog!!
It seems easy enough to make a little post here and there…but just shows how much free time I have…


So where have I been?




Last week WWD requested a ton of New York Couture…and word from my PR rep is that their fashion editor just “LOVES” everything…makes me happy: )  <— obviously a smart fashion editor…lol

Started getting everything together for the lookbook shoot…which is THIS FRIDAY!! Samples are still not done…so fingers crossed!!

And to add to everything…Katy Perry’s stylist…whose name I will just say is Mr. Fashion SavvyXOX…got in touch with my PR rep.  She sent him a lookbook…and seems MFSXOX and Katy also “LOVE” everything…so they got sent a ton of stuff too! I may also have some custom order requests from them…will keep everyone posted…maybe takes pics of the progress of the garments and other fun stuff.

Now back to making the samples so we can make final garments for the lookbook.

Shoot countdown…………2 days to go……..ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

*(ps the photos in this post show no New York Couture clothing…just took them offline for this post)
