Puppy WAR 2009!!!! Serious!

Yesterday my sisters French Bulldog, Darla, came over to play with my Chihuahua’s…

poor thing didn’t get the memo that I have 2.5lb killing machines!!

Check out the photos of Muffin vs. Darla…who was the winner??


Happy face : ) <—for now….

She didn’t know she was about to get fucked up!!!!!  But that’s how my dogs do!!!!


Muffin notices…”that’s my toy”…and the WAR begins!


Darla= 20+lbs…Muffin= 2.5lbs…my dog is bad ass!!!

You get your toy!


But where’s Mr. Pickleman???????

Such a typical old man…

he’s in bed.

Maybe we can get him a Mr. Mobility for dogs and he can scooter all over the place.

Poor little guy…he’s only 6 and already being such a grandpa!


Darla surrenders…


Muffin says “fuck that…you HAVE TO play with me!!”

and Pippy finally tweedles out of his bed to see what’s going on.  And then he tweedles back…lol


And the winner is….

MUFFIN!!!!  <—That’s my girl!



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